Chicken Manure Pellets - 50 lb. Bulk Box
per item
- GUARANTEED OPTIMAL NUTRITION. 4-3-2 NPK. Loaded with over 60 minerals and micronutrients needed for vigorous plant and root growth.
- ORGANIC FERTILIZER AND SOIL REBUILDER. This two-in-one product contains everything needed to bring comprehensive health for your plants, trees, and/or grass.
- A BIOLOGICAL FERTILIZER: Loaded with beneficial soil micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes (the good guys) that transform nutrients within soil from inorganic forms to organic.
- MAXIMIZES NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY. The micro-organisms help to increase plants’ nutrient uptake, as well as soil’s nutrient-holding capacity.
- SOIL REBUILDER. Dramatically restores soil’s defense mechanisms and support systems, which increases plants’ immune response. Also, stimulates soil microbial life, increases water holding capacity, and improves composition, drainage, and aeration.
- EASY-TO-APPLY APPLICATION. Comes in pellet form making it very easy to apply on plants. Spread by hand, hand spreader (gloves are recommended), or a push spreader.
- LOW ODOR. Low odor compared to the pungent scent normally associated with other manure-based products